Curt Eisfeld Bequest Library
The library contains approx. 3,500 volumes from the personal collection of Curt Eisfeld, the first professor of business administration at the Universität Hamburg, where he taught from 1928 to 1962. In recent years these volumes have been systematically compiled under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Henrik Sattler and his team with the support of the Sven Eisfeld Foundation and the Hamburg State and University Library. The collection ranges from works such as "Neuzeitliche Buchhaltungsmethoden unter Berücksichtigung der Maschinenbuchhaltung" (“Modern accounting methods taking machine accounting into consideration”) from 1928 to titles such as "Der Großhandel in Putzmodewaren" (“Wholesale trade in cleaning fashion goods”) from 1918. This diversity makes the library interesting not only for economists but also for historians.
Selected objects from this collection will soon be displayed here
Faculty of Business Administration (Hamburg Business School) Professur für Marketing & Branding
Moorweidenstraße 18
20148 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 42838-8714